The WEF also released a revised league table for last year, based on its new methodology.
互联网But the league table dictates they are muted celebrations.
互联网But Mexico City, New York, and Sao Paulo could league table to Mumbai, Delhi and Dhaka.
不过墨西哥城 、 纽约和圣保罗届时可能被孟买 、 德里和达卡赶超.
互联网Harvard consistently tops a league table produced by Shanghai's Jiao Tong University.
互联网In league table terms , BNP Paribas, Citigroup and HSBC have slipped the most.
从排名上看, 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas) 、 花旗(Citigroup)和汇丰(HSBC)下滑最为严重.
互联网Only a three point difference separates both sides on the League table.
互联网In the global league table of exports of services, Hong Kong ranked ninth in 2000.
二零零零年, 香港的服务出口总值在世界排名第九.
互联网If I were instead aiming to top a league table of investment managers, worse awaits.
但如果我的目标是荣登投资经理排行榜榜首, 那么更糟糕的事还在后面.
互联网Roy Hodgson has total confidence that he can guide Liverpool League table over the coming months.
互联网We should to achieve this effect appearing to have a cigarette that cheats the league table.
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